Getting started

Create your first Organization

What is Organization?

An Organization is the top-level unit of GrapheneDB, and is a place where Environments, Members, Deployments and API clients are managed. It is also a place where Billing happens.

To get started with GrapheneDB, you’ll first need to create an account. There are only a few simple steps and you’re all set! Please follow this link for detailed instructions related to account creation.


To enable you to adapt your spending to the different stages of your business and grow as you go, we offer different Subscription plans to fit your needs. At the moment, there’s a Standard (FREE) and Gold ($50/month), and we are planning to introduce an additional Subscription plan in the future. The chosen Subscription determines the available limits and support options for the Organization.

Please check the table below for a clear comparison of the Standard, Gold and Platinum (Coming Soon) Subscriptions.

Standard(Free) Gold($50/month) Platinum(ComingSoon)
Usage discount No No 5%
Number of Environments 1 3 10
Number of Organization members 2 6 20
Historical Metrics 1 day of Historical Metrics 1 week of Historical Metrics 1 month of Historical Metrics
Number of Operations* per month 50 500 5000
Access to API No Yes Yes
Support channels Ticket system Ticket system Ticket system, Slack channel
Critical First response time 40 min 20 min
Major First response time 8 hours 2 hours
Minor First response time Next business day Next business day
24/7 Monitoring system Yes Yes Yes

*The Operation is considered any management action around deployments, like restarting it, cloning, creating a snapshot, etc.

How Subscriptions work

  • Every month you will get charged the Subscription price plus your usage of the previous month.
  • Usage is the calculation of all the hours of all the deployment related cost units.
  • Changes in Subscriptions will be charged the next billing period.

For more details on Subscriptions, please check this article.

Welcome Credits

At GrapheneDB we completely understand that proper evaluation of any service is important for an individual or a company, and we’re giving Welcome Credits in the amount of $50 soon as you choose a subscription and add a credit card to the first Organization.

You can use those credits to try out GrapheneDB for free without any time limit. Once the $50 credits is exhausted, we will start collecting further charges from the credit card on file. You can also avoid any further charges by making sure that all deployments are deleted from your Environments.

Where can I find my Welcome credits?

You can find details on the amount of credits available/spent in the Credits tab of your Organization management interface. Please navigate to the Billing view, either from the side menu or by clicking the Go to Billing button at the upper right corner.


Then, please click on Credits tab. In this tab, you have a full overview of your current credit balance, and the approximate time when the credits will expire (‘running out in’ is calculated with the last month’s usage). You can buy credits by clicking on the Buy Credits button and you will be able to request a purchase of credits from our team. Finally, you can see the credit history which includes all the changes to your credits.


Setting up your first Organization

To create an Organization, click on +Create Organization button in the Organization tab of your Account settings or +New Organization button from the drop-down menu. Once the Organization is created, you’ll be automatically set as the Organization’s Owner.


As soon as you select a name and description for your Organization, and click on Confirm button, you’ll be prompted to the subscription view, where you can select the subscription of your choice by clicking on the Select Standard or Select Gold button.

You’ll be prompted to enter Billing details such as credit card and billing address, and when that is done, your Organization will become active.

Inviting your first member

A person can become a member of an Organization only after they have created a GrapheneDB account and accepted the invite to the said Organization. Simply navigate to the Organization where you want them invited to, and click on Members tab > Invite User button.


For step-by-step instructions on Organization management, please follow this article.

Try out today and get $50 in CreditsTry out today and get $50
Evaluate for free
Pay as you go
No hidden costs