Getting started

Database users

Creating a first user

Upon database creation, Neo4j will create a user with a temporary password. The default user and password are neo4j/neo4j. When you first launch a Neo4j Browser, please enter the neo4j user and temporary neo4j password.


You’ll be prompted to the next window where you’ll need to change the temporary password. When changing the password, please make sure you choose a secure password and store it safely. If the password can no longer be retrieved or is lost, the authentication can be disabled like this, and then you can change users password, create new user, or whatever you decide is the best course of action.


Managing users

Users can be created and managed using a set of Cypher administration commands that you can easily run from Neo4j Browser or your application. Below you’ll find a set of commands for listing users, creating users, and deleting users, but you can also find a full list of commands in this Neo4j doc.

⚠️ Important

Please ensure you’re using the correct command depending on the Neo4j version of your database.

List Users



Create User


CREATE USER charlie SET PASSWORD 'password'

Delete User


DROP USER charlie
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